Who Was Kalicia Powell & What Happened To Her? Some Thugs Smashed Her Head With Bottle Pics Viral!

Hello everybody. Another day and another shocking story are here. Some shocking pictures were recently released on the Internet regarding a young girl who became a victim of sledging and violence on a night out. Some thugs smashed a bottle over her head and now those photographs are very horrifying. The victim identified as teenager Kalicia Powell is currently fighting for their life when she was having some drinks on Boxing Day nearest Castleford, West Yorkshire. Everything was going perfectly. Follow Our website TheGossipsWorld Media for the latest updates!!!!!

What Happened To Kalicia Powell?

Who Was Kalicia Powell?

They were enjoying their evening but suddenly summer nuisance arrived. An 18-year-old individual should into the bar when she was dancing on the floor and this match the bottle overhead she was immediately taken to the nearest medical facility and doctors started operating. The college student is now out of the danger and she had to experience adhesive strips over her face for the healing process. A complaint was registered and now the police have started an investigation and looking for the suspects through CCTV.

What Happened To Kalicia Powell?

She also stated that off they were looking normal and she thought he was going to say something when she turned his head and he suddenly smashed a bottle and she became unconscious for around 20 minutes and she had no idea what was going on. It seemed like there was some kind of dispute or they were drunk as hell. She was bleeding profusely and her friends had to take immediate steps. Hit split her forehead and had a black eye. She was not able to give and remember how it felt like.

Some Thugs Smashed Kalicia Powell’s Head With Bottle Pics

Teenagers are full of rage and amazon 80 of them are going in the wrong direction because of no discipline and belief in the slow and gradual process of becoming successful. They don’t have a single idea of what consequences thereof actions can produce and they can only regret after the deed has been done. In the moment of the heat of the moment, we must use our patience and the processing power of our brain to tackle such situations because once we have taken a step up there is no going back.

she thought it would not be so bad but if she saw her face in the mirror after the surgery it was really bad. It was very disgusting behaviour and the criminals must be punished. She had five stitches on her forehead and she had a very beautiful and gorgeous face. She was a party girl who was a regular appearance in local galas. We will be back with some more updates until then stay tuned to our website.


Rohan is a published author and a content writer for TheGossipsWorld Media, He is passionate about helping people understand unknown facts and spread interesting news through his easily digestible materials, In his spare time he loves to singer and gyming.

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