Colorado Man Jordan Douglas Krah Racist Video In California Went Viral On TikTok, Arrested, Victims Name!

Greetings everyone and off yesterday a Colorado man was arrested after he was being racist and doing homophobic rants in California In-N-Out. This incident started trending on Tiktok and has received millions of views since this was posted. He was doing this with two college students who were eating at a nearby restaurant on Christmas evening and the students were identified as Arine Kim and Elliot. They recorded the complete incident and the forty-year-old man Jordan Douglas Krah was apprehended. Follow Our website TheGossipsWorld Media for the latest updates!!!!!

Colorado Man Jordan Douglas Krah Racist Video

Colorado Man Jordan Douglas Krah Racist Video

Accused of committing a hate crime by the police department. He is completely hating both the youngsters and asks questions about their race and ethnicity which is completely disgusting and he was threatening them up to speed their faces. It is really disappointing that in such a developed country people still believe in discrimination and such cases continuously arise in the form of black lives matter or even it is white lives matter. Human beings are made of the same flesh and there is nothing technically wrong.

Jordan Douglas Krah Arrested After Racist Video

Many black people believe that black lives matter did not strengthen anything and fit technically increased and divided the sections of society and rich people got the benefits from selling Merchandise and promoting this event for filling out their pockets. Black people are still facing a lot of issues in their everyday lives even after achieving so much. Studies have proved that many people who came from Africa are still dominating the native students.

Who are The Victims?

Which are white people in the United Kingdom in Mathematics Science and technological stuff which is astonishing but no one wants to cover this in any kind of media. Human beings are of a violent nature and they are psychologically smart they just want to hear what they want and they want to see what they Desire so there is an ocean of putting discriminatory behaviour inside the mind of a child from the beginning of his education.

He is still in custody and police are investigating him. It was really appreciative of the police that they immediately took action against this heat crime he was continuously threatening both the students and it was a very uncomfortable moment for the teenagers. This incident is also available on the Twitter platform and you can easily check this out with a lot of hashtags trending. It needs to be changed and we have to see ourselves as a 1bk home or Civilization instead of dividing into countries and provinces.


Rohan is a published author and a content writer for TheGossipsWorld Media, He is passionate about helping people understand unknown facts and spread interesting news through his easily digestible materials, In his spare time he loves to singer and gyming.

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