Why Did Southwest Airlines Cancel 70% Of Its Flights? Reason Explained!

Welcome back everyone Southwest Airlines surprisingly cancelled almost 70% of its flight because of the bomb cyclone and American officials is saying that it is completely unacceptable and there will be consequences. United Airlines also took steps because of the weather warnings and they are not allowing passengers to change their flights without fees which are really disappointing and they have cancelled more than 2500 flights. Not only that more than fifteen thousand such Journeys were cancelled in the country. Follow Our website TheGossipsWorld Media for the latest updates!!!!!

Why Did Southwest Airlines Cancel 70% Of Its Flights?

Why Did Southwest Airlines Cancel 70% Of Its Flights?

Because of heavy snowfall and zero temperature is that’s why there was a sudden increase in cancellations. United States of America government authorities are now looking into this matter and they are trying to standardize and generate warnings for such Airlines to at least allowed the passengers to change their flights without paying any extra amount because it is against consumer rights. It is not the Desire of passengers to change their flight it is a necessity and the airline is responsible for the change, not the user.

Southwest Airlines Cancelled 70% Of Its Flights

Air Traffic control work constantly posted weather warnings and the national atmospheric administration was also telling about the cyclone and how devastating it could be to avoid any kind of destruction and casualty decided to cancel these. But consumers must be given the option to tackle this issue and they don’t want to spend extra money on such kind of things because already the economy is in a very poor condition and nobody can afford such extra given amount of prices.

Southwest Airlines Cancel 70% Of Its Flights Reason Explained

The transportation department is looking into this matter and they will be generating their response in the upcoming hours we are approaching the new year holiday travel time period and there is going to be a lot of traffic for sure. Millions of people travel during this time and they have to go through a lot of problems because of temperatures and weather conditions affecting aerial travel and this is a regular thing that happened on an annual basis.

Airlines one of the profitable businesses because the charge a lot of amount and features to save their cost and that’s why there are many allegations of Airlines exploiting the prices and transforming them. It should be a matter of concern for the authorities the to address this issue as many people are middle class and they have to travel because of necessity not because of recreational purposes and many people are returning back to their hometown. We will be back with more updates until then stay tuned to our website.


Rohan is a published author and a content writer for TheGossipsWorld Media, He is passionate about helping people understand unknown facts and spread interesting news through his easily digestible materials, In his spare time he loves to singer and gyming.

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