Who Is Steven Crowder’s Wife Hilary Video Viral On Twitter & Reddit!

Steven Crowder’s Wife Hilary Video: In June 2021, disturbing Ring footage surfaced, allegedly showing conservative commentator and influencer Steven Crowder berating his pregnant wife, Hilary, and demanding that she take care of their dog. Follow Our website TheGossipsWorld Media for the latest updates!!!!!

Steven Crowder's Wife Hilary Video

Steven Crowder’s Wife Hilary Video

The video was shared by journalist Yashar Ali on Twitter, sparking outrage and calls for Crowder to be held accountable for his behavior. Crowder, however, has responded to the video, claiming that it was “misleadingly edited” and taken out of context. In a statement, he insisted.

Steven Crowder’s Wife Hilary Viral Video

That he and his wife were “engaged in a lighthearted back and forth” and that the video “does not accurately reflect the nature of our relationship.” The incident has raised questions about Crowder’s behavior and treatment of his wife, as well as his credibility as an influencer and commentator.

Many have criticized his response as dismissive and inadequate, and have called for him to take responsibility for his actions. Crowder first gained prominence as a comedian and commentator. Using social media and YouTube to build a following for his conservative views and commentary.

Who Is Steven Crowder?

He is best known for his “Change My Mind” series, in which he sets up a table on college campuses and invites students to debate him on various political issues. Despite his popularity, Crowder has faced controversy in the past. In 2019, he was accused of using homophobic and racist slurs during a debate at a college campus, sparking protests and calls for him to be banned from future events.

Steven Crowder & Wife Hilary Video Controversy

The recent video of Crowder berating his wife has only added to the criticism and scrutiny of his behavior. Many have pointed out that his treatment of Hilary raises concerns about his attitudes towards women and domestic violence, and have called for him to be held accountable for his actions.

As of now, neither Steven nor Hilary Crowder has accused each other of committing acts of physical abuse. However, the incident has shed light on the importance of recognizing. And addressing emotional abuse and coercive control in relationships.

While he claims that the video was taken out of context, many have raised concerns about his behavior and treatment of his wife, as well as his credibility as an influencer and commentator. we will be back with some more updates until then stay tuned to our website.


Rohan is a published author and a content writer for TheGossipsWorld Media, He is passionate about helping people understand unknown facts and spread interesting news through his easily digestible materials, In his spare time he loves to singer and gyming.

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