Who Is Payal Bhati? Noida Woman Fakes Her Death By Murdering Mall Employee Hema Chaudhary, Reason Explained!

Welcome back everyone and Internet is full of weird and wicked stories and here we are with another one coming straight from Noida where a woman fakes death by killing a Mall employee and dressing a corpse in clothes. Nobody was it to believe their eyes when the story suddenly started circulating on social media sites the accused woman along with her boyfriend killed the woman and they completely changed the experience and day planted a suicide note. The Identity of the suspect has been revealed as Payal Bhati. Follow Our website TheGossipsWorld Media for the latest updates!!!!!

Noida Woman Fakes Her Death By Murdering Mall Employee Hema Chaudhary

Who Is Payal Bhati & Her Boyfriend, Ajay Thakur?

She feeds her own death by killing another woman. We would like to express our deepest apologies to the victim and may her soul rest in peace. The name of the boyfriend has been revealed as Ajay Thakur and both of them were together when they planned this who will the crime scenario and the committed it? The dead body had a similar resemblance and features according to police and they also find a suicide note in her own name. They’re highly convinced by this story butter after the investigation for many days.

Noida Woman Fakes Her Death By Murdering Mall Employee Hema Chaudhary

They were able to check summer unusual things and patterns for not matching the. In the suicide note, it was written that her face had burnt and she never wanted to live alone in her life and she would not be able to find anyone special. The relatives and family members of the female over really devastated when the suicide note came forward. They brutally distorted the fees of a fake dead body and she also provided her own clothes/family members of the deceased filed a complaint against her and the victim had been missing since November 12.

Why Did Payal & Boyfriend Ajay Kill Mall Employee Hema?

Now they are going to face murder and kidnapping charges for sure and we hope that they will be given Harsh punishment after the prosecution. Police have a lot of evidence and solid explanation regarding this case and now both of them are trying to defend themselves by saying that their brother-in-law and relatives were harassing them for money. They are not building up stories to run away from this problem. They are also dragging their grandfather into this.

They are accusing them of forced marriage and she wanted to marry someone her family members did not approve of the relationship and that’s why she had to come at this crime to arrange some money. It is truly brutal news and there is a stream of sympathy attached to the victim on social media sites hashtags are trending for her justice and it may have been a complicated case but the result will be out really soon in a matter of few days. We will be back with some more updates until then keep reading articles on our website.


Rohan is a published author and a content writer for TheGossipsWorld Media, He is passionate about helping people understand unknown facts and spread interesting news through his easily digestible materials, In his spare time he loves to singer and gyming.

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