Who Is Jesse Navarro? Riverside County Sheriff Deputy’s Murder Suspect Identified & Arrested!

Hello everyone and the massive update have arrived on the murder case of Riverside County Sheriff. The man suspected of the killing has been identified and his name is Jesse Navarro who is 42 years old. He brutely short and murdered Riverside County, Deputy Darnell Calhoun. We would like to express our deepest condolences and sympathy to his family and me his soul rest in heaven. He took his last breath on Friday and he was dispatched to the 18500 block of Hilldale Lane around 4:30 p.m. Follow Our website TheGossipsWorld Media for the latest updates!!!!!

Riverside County Sheriff Deputy's Murder Suspect Identified

Who Is Jesse Navarro?

The emergency call was for an automatic violence case that was related to a child custody issue and he immediately arrived on the spot. But as he arrived some individuals started shooting and he was not in his control. He shot multiple bullets and unfortunately, the deputy officer became the victim and he ruptured many of his vital organs. There is not a lot of information available about him and he was not using social media to express his opinions and upload some photographs.

Riverside County Sheriff Deputy’s Murder Suspect Identified

He was bleeding profusely and it was too late before the emergency services arrived. He was shot in the leg and torso. He was taken to the end Valley Medical Center but was of no use. A second incident also happened around 3 weeks ago where another Deputy was brutely murdered on the 29th of January and it is very disappointing that even the police are not safe. How American citizens can kill their own fellow friends and neighbours. They have no concern for the on-duty officers and their family members.

Riverside County Sheriff Deputy’s Murder Suspect Arrested

The police are trying to apprehend the suspect and we hope that he will be captured and will be tried in court. He was never giving any kind of excuse and that’s what made him one of the best officers in the district. The deputy was very hard working and he was a very punctual one who arrived at the office on time and ended his work. He was trying to make the world a better place by performing his duty and his family was very proud of him. He was trying to create a peaceful environment in society for everybody to live in.

The main motive behind the domestic violence is still known and the victim of this case is still not appearing in the searches. He had a very amazing physic and intelligence level that he used in his everyday business and he was always there to help people. Started his career as a police department officer after studying and having a determined goal for many years his only dream was to get into the sir community. We will be back with some more updates until then keep reading articles on our website.


Rohan is a published author and a content writer for TheGossipsWorld Media, He is passionate about helping people understand unknown facts and spread interesting news through his easily digestible materials, In his spare time he loves to singer and gyming.

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