VIDEO: Leighton Beach Airplane Crash Video Viral On Internet After Mum & Son Survives!

Leighton Beach Airplane Crash Video: A video has been released on the social media platform and now this video is creating a lot of controversies as well as cramming the attention of the people out there. If you are not aware of this video which is related to the Leighton Beach airplane crash video so you are exactly at arrived please because we are here giving you all the updates regarding this horrific video. Follow Our website TheGossipsWorld Media for the latest updates!!!!!

Leighton Beach Airplane Crash Video

Leighton Beach Airplane Crash Video

We can see a mother calling her son and surviving a light plane crash. Moments after issuing my day call the women were forced to bring the plane down however this woman along with her teenage son was fighting hard so that they can survive a light plane crash that took place on the coast.

What Happened At Leighton Beach Today?

However, we can see in the ad both of them were able to escape The partially submerged aircraft and they were swimming back to the Shore into the beach in North Rental. Talking about more details regarding this plane crash so it took place about 30 M to 50 M of shore just after 5:00 p.m. on Thursday before it started becoming more intense and entirely submerged in the water.

Who Is The Pilot?

Talking about the name of the pilot was 45 years old, Michelle Yeates along with that her 15-year-old son Jacob both were checked over by the paramedics after were succeeded in reaching the beach. However they both were in shock but they were luckily unharmed in this particular crash they were both able to exit the plane and they were able to swim back.

Leighton Beach Airplane Crash Incident

According to the police department. A commercial pilot noticed this aircraft that was experiencing a few trouble in regards to the engine and send my day call. After a few minutes, she was forced so that bringing the plane down in the water. When people got to know about the situation they started rushing to the social media platform so that they can get all the updates.

There was a stunt witness that was also watching the whole movement and they were checking out the light plane crashing into the water. We can realize that it would have been a horrific movement for the people as well as for both the lady along with her son


Bhumika is a copywriter and content writer for TheGossipsWorld Media who specialized in entertainment, exclusive news & technology, She is having 1 year+ experience in this field and currently pursuing MBA and trying her best to provide compelling and informative content to the users!

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