Potent Tricks For Stress Relief

Stress is often dubbed the great health epidemic of our century. While documentaries like HBO’s One Nation Under Stress have lifted the lid on the American side of this pervasive disease, stress is plaguing the daily lives of billions across the globe, as nobody is immune to the pressures that modern life entails. High-stress levels lead to countless detrimental consequences, from emotional irritability to health concerns such as obesity and diabetes.

Potent Tricks For Stress Relief

Potent Tricks For Stress Relief

Studies led by Yale and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, among other reputable institutions, have also shown that chronic stress could significantly reduce life expectancy. Yet there is a break in the clouds, as adding a few simple tricks to your daily routine can play a part in alleviating the downsides of a stressful life. So, here are a few tips to keep stress at bay.

Exercise on the regular

Physical activity is key to staying in shape and nurturing your body. But exercising is just as essential to look after your mental health. First, getting active releases natural neural chemicals such as the feel-good neurotransmitters known as endorphins and dopamine. Feeding these stress-reduction hormones into your brain, your body triggers an immediate sense of well-being.

But you don’t need to be a pro athlete to reap these tremendous health benefits, nor to hit the gym for hours on end. If you’ve been out of shape for a while, you can start slowly with housecleaning and gardening before hopping on a bike or putting on your running shoes. You might also consider joining a group or a class to keep you motivated and expand your social circle all the while.

Connect with others

There is no denying that humans are social beings by essence. But in a world of increasing remote work, virtual interactions, and overall isolation, socializing may feel more challenging than ever. However, enjoying the company of fellow human beings is a vital component of stress reduction. Indeed, social support has been demonstrated to boost the levels of oxytocin in the brain, whose primary role is to decrease anxiety.

Reaching out to family and friends is just as positive for distraction after an exhausting day, or emotional support throughout a trying time, even if it means fending off instincts to isolate yourself and be left alone when going through a rough patch. Meaningful connections can also be found through joining a club, volunteering for a charity, or getting involved with your local place of worship.


Meditation is a simple, yet powerful tool for stress management. By focusing your attention, meditation helps suppress the never-ending stream of thoughts that crowd your mind and stress you out. And while the act of meditating can seem daunting for the lack of experience and practice, it only needs a bit of training to get you going.

Not to get burnt out too quickly, beginners can start with short ten-minute sessions of guided meditation, deep breathing, or visualization. As you learn to connect better with your inner self and notice your mind wandering less and less, you may open up to other mindfulness techniques and set a longer time limit.

Play Video Games

Associating video games with stress relief can seem counterintuitive. Yet scientific studies have revealed that playing games benefit mental health by acting as a cathartic activity after being exposed to a stressful situation. Video games are a strong coping mechanism to deal with social anxiety or work-related fatigue. Of course, casual sims or laid-back puzzle games offer more relaxation than action-packed shooter games. But any game can do the trick to let off steam, even classic casino games.

And the rise of online casinos now allows gamers from all over the world to unwind in a fun fashion. In the Northern Hemisphere, for instance, players can try out Canadian slots for real money. Top platforms boast an extensive lobby of hundreds of varieties. Seasoned gamers and newcomers can therefore enjoy as many authentic pokies as special features leading to big-time wins.

And the best sites grant their user’s many rewards to fund their bankroll, including generous welcome packages. Stress underpins a lot of woes we may experience in our lives, from mental exhaustion to health issues. Fortunately, a few simple tricks offer us a way out, whether through the calmness of meditation or the cleansing of physical activity. But if stress still takes the better of you, seeking professional counseling can help steer you in the right direction.


A young passionate entrepreneur with more than 2+ years of experience & demonstrated history of working in the digital marketing and advertising industry. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Link Building, Digital Marketing, and Digital Media.

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