Greta Thunberg’s Savage Tweet To Influencer Andrew Tate’s 33 Cars Jibe Viral On Social Media!

Welcome back everyone Andrew Tate is all around the internet and women generally call him a misogynistic individual. But recently a female influencer gave him Savage reply against his car tweet and she is none other than Greta Thunberg. Everybody is talking about this reply and she clearly destroyed him and she is a famous environmental activist. She has been constantly working for many organizations and this reply came against a tweet that he posted up saying I have 33 cars and my Bugatti has a turbo engine. Follow Our website TheGossipsWorld Media for the latest updates!!!!!

Greta Thunberg's Savage Tweet To Influencer Andrew Tate's 33 Cars Jibe Viral

Greta Thunberg’s Savage Tweet To Influencer Andrew Tate’s 33 Cars Jibe

I also have a 6.5 l V 12 Ferrari. This is just the beginning and I will keep finding and completing the list of my collection. He called on many activists to provide their email addresses so that he could suicide completely the list of his car collection. But in reply to this, she commented that he could send it to smalld***[email protected]. And this was a really Savage reply and many people are liking it. The American influencer was banned from Twitter in 2017 for his negative and hate speeches by it recently made his comeback.

Greta Thunberg’s Savage Tweet To Influencer Andrew Tate’s 33 Cars Jibe Viral

Since then he is having a phenomenal influence on the youth. Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is only 19 years old and she is standing up to him. She started her career in 2018 and she is running a school Strike for climate she was born on 3rd January 2003 and has adopted many Lifestyle changes and trying to reduce their carbon footprint. She has been criticizing the world government for not doing a single thing to save mother earth and she has gained a lot of followers.

What Happened Between Greta Thunberg & Influencer Andrew Tate?

He is also running a newsletter service where he is sending tips and business ideas to the subscribers and you can join his exclusive club which is around 6000 dollars. It is a community of selected individuals and you would be extending your startup idea to reach individuals who are going to certainly look at it and it is just an advanced networking matter. She has never confronted any kind of online controversy and this is for the very first time that she has been open.

The former boxer has not replied to this comment and everybody is waiting for his come back up and how he is going to address this little girl. Certainly, he has an immense amount of following and he tries many ways to be in the toxic and he has been successful in doing so. Some people are liking it but some of them are not very supportive and they are saying a little girl should not involve in this kind of thing. We will be back with more updates until then take out our website.


Rohan is a published author and a content writer for TheGossipsWorld Media, He is passionate about helping people understand unknown facts and spread interesting news through his easily digestible materials, In his spare time he loves to singer and gyming.

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