Explained: NTUC Fairprice Voucher Scam Alert, Fake $20 Voucher Flier Circulating On Internet!

Explained: NTUC Fairprice Voucher Scam Alert, Fake $20 Voucher Flier Circulating On Internet: You guys recently a very controversial news is prevailing on the Internet. It is about a really famous supermarket chain by the name of NTUC Fairprice. They have a posted a photograph on their Facebook page revealing some illegal and fake publicity. According to the supermarket, some people are sharing. Pamphlets are where they have been given a $20 of voucher. And now they are making people aware of the scam. Because a lot of consumers went into the store with the voucher. Follow our website TheGossipsWorld.com for more updates!!!!

NTUC Fairprice Voucher Scam Alert

NTUC Fairprice Voucher Scam Alert

We would like to confirm that such vouchers are fake. According to the official reports, it is a Chinese lunar New Year flyer that is asking people to scan a QR code for a financial survey. And in exchange of the survey there, providing them $20 worth of the supermarket officers. The post emerged on the Facebook platform on 24th January. As a lot of consumers complained about the flyer. Supermarket official wrote on the Internet that they were informed of such a flyer and immediately announced it as a scam.

It is still unknown who made the flyer and trying to ruin the reputation of the supermarket. In the police are still investigating in such matter. Strict actions will be taken against the producer of the fake vouchers. The suspect could face imprisonment as well. The news is available on all the sources and the voucher was shared on WhatsApp as well. The Government of Singapore has also launched an anti-scam helpline.

The full form of the NTUC is national Trades Union Congress. It is a huge supermarket chain. It is a Singapore based company. It was established in 1973. The company started a central distribution system. It deals in various goods. The largest branch of the company is in Singapore. The company has already seen some huge profits in their last few years, and they’re expanding to various global markets. So please be aware of such scams.


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