BLUE WHALE CHALLENGE EXPLAINED: What Is Blue Whale Challenge & The Truth Behind ‘Suicide Challenge’?

Recently about a few years ago, a game known as BLUE WHALE emerged as a new trend among the youngsters and they were so seriously influenced by the game that they even got ready to take their own life as the game had asked them to, just to complete the assigned task. The Blue Whale challenge was alleged to be the online suicide game challenge that had greatly influenced kids for attempting suicide. It was the game that had 50 games or say tasks that were supposed to be completed by the player within 50 days. This game was found to be the reason behind numerous death cases all around the world, but it was not all about the game as explained it was more than this particular thing in reality. This game started off as being like a proper good game with no harmful after effects. The initial tasks were like watching any horror movies during midnight or more like doing some midnight walk around the house. Follow Our website for the latest updates!!!!!

What Is The Blue Whale Challenge?

Blue Whale Challenge Explained

But as the days went passing on and a child or say player gets addicted to a game it’ll be automatically switched to a harmful manipulating game. Then the software would ask the player to do some tasks with low risks but whether low or high risks are just risks which shouldn’t be taken in any chance that could later cost someone’s life. And if the user successfully reaches the final level of the game, then the software would directly ask the player to commit suicide in different ways like jumping off a cliff, jumping from the terrace of a heightened building or cutting veins of hands or anything that would certainly cause the death of the player. This challenge was started in Russia and then got widespread all around the world including India, the USA, Ukraine etc. Although the game was alone considered to be responsible for the death of these users if a deeper investigation was referred it was more than the game itself that caused all those deaths.

What Is The Blue Whale Challenge?

This game started with the plot used after the death of a lady whose death story was a hot topic of discussion on social media platforms for a longer duration. Rina Palenkova, from South-Eastern Russia, posted her selfie in the year 2015 and it was photographed in a way that made it look like wrapped with dry blood. And she captioned that post with NYA BYE, and on the very next day, she committed suicide. Russia’s largest social network, VKontakte has had enough discussion about it and created a chatroom for those who were depressed and wanted to share something so that they could feel some ease. Then the stories with claims, based on true events started to be telecasted for people.

What Is The Truth Behind The Online Suicide Challenge?

Her suicide story got merged with others and then became a big house of stories like a whale and later was termed a blue whale. The whales started to resemble more like those people who had committed suicide because of their sad appearance and then a man named Phillip created a game called f57, or ocean whale. This game had a curating 50 tasks and in the last, we were asked to commit suicide or take our own life. About 130 children performed the task and died. Then, Philip was detained by police as soon as his involvement was revealed and was presented in the courtroom for the trial. He was found guilty and was sentenced to life imprisonment without any permission to bail. It was a straight-sighted matter as the creator was found. Later game was banned as soon as possible since it had already caused a lot of damage.


A young passionate entrepreneur with more than 2+ years of experience & demonstrated history of working in the digital marketing and advertising industry. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Link Building, Digital Marketing, and Digital Media.

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