How Did A Huge Cylindrical Aquarium House Of 1,500 Exotic Fishes Burst In Berlin? Video & Pics Viral On Social Media!

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By: TGW Media

Date: 16/12/2022

There were some exotic species included and two individuals were injured by the broken glass as a Thousand Years of litres of water was pouring out from the 14 M height tank.

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By: TGW Media

Fortunately, both of them are fine after they were taken to the nearest medical facility and the exact cause of this happening is still unknown.

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By: TGW Media

Damage control was immediately called and they arrived at the DomAquar�e complex near Radisson Hotel and the tank was taken away. The fire department and rescue dogs were also on their way and it is believed to be a merry time damage.

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By: TGW Media

There are some early theories that freezing temperatures as low as 10 degree Celsius during the night and that's why it may have caused the cracks in the tank and that's why it exploded.

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By: TGW Media

It was upgraded recently time in 2020 it is a massive tourist attraction. It was opened in 2003 and on the 16th of December 2020, the aquarium ruptured and destroyed the full construction.

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By: TGW Media

It is certainly a sight to behold and it cost about 13 million euros to build such kind of structure it was produced by an American-based company International concept management and there are 12 sets of panels around the cylinder.

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By: TGW Media

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