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By: TGW Media
Date: 16/12/2022
we have already witnessed streamers and online celebrities getting banished on various platforms like twitch and Twitter and yet another story is circulating on the Internet about the famous star and she is a well-renowned Controversial Warzone streamer Nadia Amine.
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By: TGW Media
Image Credit: Google
By: TGW Media
The real reason behind the Ban is still unknown but she received the donation from one of the audience member and it was attached with the toxic message.
Image Credit: Google
By: TGW Media
Image Credit: Google
By: TGW Media
she read the messages which were a toxic and it may be the possible cause behind her punishment. It was strictly against the terms of service and we have seen such cases on YouTube aware of some content invites viewers
Image Credit: Google
By: TGW Media
Image Credit: Google
By: TGW Media